Saturday, 28 September 2013

Asteya (Non-stealing)

1.3 Asteya  (Non-stealing)
Asteyapratisthayam sarvaratnopasthanam I                                                                             (37, 2 Yogsurtra)

 “Asteya is a curb or covetousness, which prompts one to grab, Covertly or overtly, what belongs to others”.                (Shyam Ghosh.)

Again the point is made that it does not make a difference if you steal openly or on the shy. Patanjali says that “when non-stealing is established, all treasures present themselves.”(2.37).

          A  modern interpretation could be “to be generous”. Not just not to steal, but let your possession emotions, goodwill, thoughts flow freely. Life is a flow and when you go with the flow, wonderful things happen.
By the establishment of the non-stealing every stones(wealth) comes to practitioner.

In this way Asteya gives us teaching of universal values like SIMPLICITY, LOYALTY, RESPONSIBILITY, TRUST, HONESTY AND SO ON…

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