Wednesday, 9 October 2013


1.5 Aparigraha(non-greed)

Aparigrahsthairye janmakathntasanbodhah I (29,2 Yogsutra)

When non-receiving becomes stable or fixed feel meaning of birth and life.

Aparigrah means to accumulate more money wealth, possessions than one’s needs. The accumulation of more wealth than required results in ego . There is imbalance in nature. Hence follower of yoga should use the minimum things.
In the universe whatever is seen is created by God. Hence, while consuming anything, do it with feeling of surrender treat it, it belongs to God. Never get engrossed in this. Because the whole wealth belongs to whom? Nobody, It is owned by God only.

In this way Aparigraha gives us teaching of universal values like RESPECT, HAPPINESS, SIMPLICITY, PEACE AND SO ON…..

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Brahamcharya (Self-control)

1.4 Brahamcharya (Self-control)
Brahmacharyapratisthayam viryalabhah I (38, 2 Yogsutra)

By the establishment of celibacy, get benefit of energy (craft/semen/energy).

Yoga Sadhaka should follow self-control, but this does not mean that he should renounce family  life and become a monk, such an action is not expected in yoga science ,When a Sadhka progresses on the path of yoga, on his own he feel that he should renounce the worldly activities and he will be free from all desires and hence can easily study Dhyana and Dharma.
 However, all of us need not stretch the meaning of self-control to this level. Controlled enjoyment of desires, staying within the limit of Dharma and science can be termed as self-control. if we understand this meaning and behave accordingly, we will be able to progress in yoga.
Due to uncontrolled behavior. We are more restricted, their fulfillment and enjoyment do have a place in the family life, but there should be some limit. It is we should control the desires and not desires controlling us. Once the desires start ruling us, we lose our freedom, if the desire are not fulfilled, then we lose our mental and physical well being.

In this way Brahamcharya gives us teaching of universal values like COURAGE, RESPECT, SIMPLICITY, PEACE, RESPECT AND SO ON…

Asteya (Non-stealing)

1.3 Asteya  (Non-stealing)
Asteyapratisthayam sarvaratnopasthanam I                                                                             (37, 2 Yogsurtra)

 “Asteya is a curb or covetousness, which prompts one to grab, Covertly or overtly, what belongs to others”.                (Shyam Ghosh.)

Again the point is made that it does not make a difference if you steal openly or on the shy. Patanjali says that “when non-stealing is established, all treasures present themselves.”(2.37).

          A  modern interpretation could be “to be generous”. Not just not to steal, but let your possession emotions, goodwill, thoughts flow freely. Life is a flow and when you go with the flow, wonderful things happen.
By the establishment of the non-stealing every stones(wealth) comes to practitioner.

In this way Asteya gives us teaching of universal values like SIMPLICITY, LOYALTY, RESPONSIBILITY, TRUST, HONESTY AND SO ON…

Ahinsa – (Non-violence)

1.1 Ahinsa – (Non-violence)
         It is not enough to avoid injuring another physically. One should avoid violence in one’s thoughts and words also. Thinking negatively of our own selves is also Himsa(violence)many of us feel that we are no good or so attractive enough, or that we can’t express ourselves properly and so on.
  “If I tell a lie, cause another to tell one or approve of another doing so, this equally sinful. If It is a very mild lie, still it is a  lie, Every vicious thought will rebound, every thoughts of hatred which you may have thought, in a cave even, is stored up, and will one day come back to you with tremendous power in the form of some misery here. If you project hatred and jealousy they will rebound on you with compound interest.  No power can avert them, when once you have put them in motion, you with have to bear them, Remembering this will present you from doing wicked things” (Shri Swami Vivekananda, modern philosopher 19th Century, his thought based on Raj-Yoga)

"Ahimsa pratisthayam tatsannidhau vairtyagah  I  
              (35, 2 Yogsutra)

Peoples establish in non violence have no fear of enemy.

It is important to be aware of our thought, words and practicing Ahinsa gives us teaching of universal values like LOVE, JUSTICE, INTEGRITY, NON AGGRESSION, COMPASSION, HARMONY AND SO ON. 


1.2 Satya  (Truth)
Satyapratisthayam kriyafalashraytvam I (36, 2 Yogsutra)

 SATYA  means to be honest and truthful. Satya should also be considered in depth. It does not only cover speaking the truth. Proper understanding of the talk and the mind is the truth. Also, God has created our tongue for the benefit of all and not for destruction, So the truth, which results in the destruction of someone or something is also not the truth.
Once a sage saw a man looking frantically for place to hide . The man saw a thick bush and hind behind it just as a gang of decoit  come there in search of him. The decoit ask the sage whether he had seen a man. Now, should the sage tell the truth and put a man’s life in danger or tell a lie to save his life danger or tell a lie to save his life? If my speaking the truth will hurt someone it is better to keep quiet. So he remained silent
“Silence is greater than the speech, true speech is greater than the silence, speech as per one, dharma is greater than it and the true speech according to dharma and which is pleasurable and useful to others is the greatest.”                                               

By the establish of truthfulness the Yogi gets the power of attaining for himself and others the fruits of work. The speaking truth should be without any impurities and in establishment of truth, action becomes positive.(result will be useful).
Once someone asked Vinoba Bhave why one should speak the truth. Vinoba smiled and replied,
“It is so simple to speak truth.So why not to say it?”

In this way Satya gives us teaching of universal values like SIMPLICITY, INTEGRITY, COMMITMENT,SELF-ACTUALIZATION. AND SO ON 


The five Yamas are considered codes of restraint, abstinences, self-regulations, and involve our relationship with the external world and other people. They are commonsense guidelines for leading a healthier, happier life for bringing spiritual awareness into a social context.
There are many interpretation of and opinions about the Yam. But finally the Yam as described in Patanjali’s Yogsutra are only five which are great universal values.

  •                  Ahimsa

  • - Non-violence, non-harming, non-injury

  •                Satya

  • – Truthfulness, honesty

  •             Asteya

  • - Non-stealing, abstention from theft

  •                     Brahmacharya

  • -Celibacy, Continence, practicing the presence of God, walking in awareness of the highest reality remembering the divine.

  •            Aparigraha

  • - Non-covetousness, non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses, non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness.

Astang Yoga

Astang Yoga
The word Astanga means eight limbs. Yoga means to connect oneself to the supreme. Hence  Astang-Yoga means to perform the eight fold yoga system in order to realize supreme. The is lucidly explained in the second chapter of Pantajali yoga sutra and 6th chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita. The practice and spiritual realization achieved in Astang-Yoga is a precursor to the topmost perfection in the life.

1)  Yama
– Resistance to passions.
2)  Niyam
3)  Asana
– Postures
4)  Pranayama
– Breathing techniques,control of prana.
5)  Pratyahar
-Sensory withdrawal,abstraction
6)  Dharna
- Concentration
7)  Dhyan
– Meditation.
8)  Samadhi
-Union with the infinite, State of Liberation



Values represents the aspiration of religions & philosophies that aim to guide people along the path of  the better existence our lives are taught with temptation, illusion & negative experience that prompt each of us to act again our moral consciousness.
A person who practices values develops inner strength & can resist common human weakness. Values are beauty & grace of life & they are essential constitution of civilization,

Definition- Values are the treasures of life, making us wealth & rich.
Values are friends bringing happiness. A life filled with values is life of self respect & dignity.

The soul able to come closer to god & life become real & meaningful.
Values bring independence, freedom, expands our capacities to be self sufficient & protect us from external influence.

1} the first step in reestablishing a spiritual foundation for our values, to shift our sense of identity from matter to spirit / subconscious awareness.
2}the second step in reestablishing & maintain the strong connection with the changing immaterial  source of moral attitude & truth the supreme soul.

Oxford English dictionary defined values.
     A person’s principles or standards of behavior ones judgment of what is imp in life.

Change the self to change the world.

Monday, 2 September 2013


 ‘आयुर्वेद’ नाम का अर्थ है, ‘जीवन का ज्ञान’ - और यही संक्षेप में आयुर्वेद का सार है।

“स्वस्थस्य स्वस्थ रक्षणं , अतुरास्य विकार प्रशमनं ”

स्वस्थ व्यक्तियों के स्वास्थ्य की रक्षा करना

इसके लिए अपने शरीर और प्रकृति के अनुकूल देश, काल आदि का विचार करना नियमित आहार-विहार, चेष्टा, व्यायाम, शौच, स्नान, शयन, जागरण आदि गृहस्थ जीवन के लिए उपयोगी शास्त्रोक्त दिनचर्या, रात्रिचर्या एवं ऋतुचर्या का पालन करना, संकटमय कार्यों से बचना, प्रत्येक कार्य विवेकपूर्वक करना, मन और इंद्रिय को नियंत्रित रखना, देश, काल आदि परिस्थितियों के अनुसार अपने अपने शरीर आदि की शक्ति और अशक्ति का विचार कर कोई कार्य करना, मल, मूत्र आदि के उपस्थित वेगों को न रोकना, ईर्ष्या, द्वेष, लोभ, अहंकार आदि से बचना, समय-समय पर शरीर में संचित दोषों को निकालने के लिए वमन, विरेचन आदि के प्रयोगों से शरीर की शुद्धि करना, सदाचार का पालन करना और दूषित वायु, जल, देश और काल के प्रभाव से उत्पन्न महामारियों (जनपदोद्ध्वंसनीय व्याधियों, एपिडेमिक डिज़ीज़ेज़) में विज्ञ चिकित्सकों के उपदेशों का समुचित रूप से पालन करना, स्वच्छ और विशोधित जल, वायु, आहार आदि का सेवन करना और दूसरों को भी इसके लिए प्रेरित करना, ये स्वास्थ्यरक्षा के साधन हैं।

Monday, 19 August 2013


Nasya (नस्य ):
Abhyangam This is a genuine ayurvedic treatment in which medicine is administered through the nostrils. This therapy includes, forehead and face massage and hot fomentation. It is beneficial in chronic sinusitis, headaches, hair loss, insomnia and improving face complexion, giving it a vibrant, noticeably different glow. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

Udvartanam - ayurveda

Udvartanam:(उदवरतन )
Massage of whole body with help of medicated powders, It works as scrub for the whole body and helps in detoxifying the skin. It gives a vibrant glow to the skin and removes extra fat to make u feel lighter
.Udvartanam: Massage of whole body with help of medicated powders, It works as scrub for the whole body and helps in detoxifying the skin. It gives a vibrant glow to the skin and removes extra fat to make u feel lighter.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Shiro dhara (शिरोधारा)
: Abhyangam

One of the best discoveries in ayurveda; this therapy consists of pouring medicated oils/decoctions/milk/buttermilk, on the forehead. Best for insomnia, chronic headaches, hair fall, improves concentration and psychosomatic disorders like depression.

Monday, 22 July 2013

back pain home remedies

Back ache

A very common ailment, which has troubled man-kind since ages and continues to be a cause worry ,uneasiness in his life style in present era also. Back ache, lower back pain (LBP) or lumbago is a discomfort in lower back region which may vary as mild to severe pain. The intensity of main varies from individual to individual. It may be insidious and takes form of chronic form or there me a sudden type of attack and hence called as acute form. The acute form of pain occurs suddenly where as the pain which lasted more than three to four months may be categorized in chronic type of pain. It has been seen that lumbago is commonly occurring in young individuals whose work involves physical daring’s and in older people who get this pain due to weakening of body or due to certain pathology in body. In younger people this problem occurs due to sprains and postural defects but in cases above 40 years it has been caused by degenerative changes that occur in body. In such cases the intervertebral spaces in the vertebral columns decreases or the gaps are increased thus there is curvature deformity or the flexibility among the vertebral bones decreases causing pain and tenderness. It is a very common problem among pregnant ladies due to stretching of ligaments around the uterus thus creating an undue pressure on the lower back.

 Following are the factors which are responsible for lower back pain
1.     Strain on back
2.     Undue pressure o back causing straining of the ligaments
3.     Injury to the musculature of the back region
4.     Lifting of heavy weights.
5.     Disc prolepses
6.     Slip disc
7.     Certain diseases like arthritis, obesity, tuberculosis, dysmenorrhoea, bone tumours, osteoporosis etc. is also considered as the culprits in causing back pain.
 Home Remedies
·        Overnight soaked wheat along with half the quantity of cuscus grass which is commonly known as khus-khus is mixed with half the quantity of coriander. All these are mixed and boiled milk taken 4 times as the quantity of as that of wheat. When the milk is left two third of its original quantity. It is taken off and then consumed. It works as analgesic thus relives pain and also improves digestion in the body.
·        Back pain can be administered by taking equal quantity of cuscus grass mixed with sugar. This mixture is then consumed twice daily with the dosage of 5 grams with warm milk.
·        Consume warm water mixed with one tablespoon of honey to get rid of back ache.
·        Regular exercise and brisk walk keeps our spine muscle strong that helps in over all strengthening of our whole vertebral columns.
·        Always be careful on the surface you sleep as it can be the major cause of your back ache. Try to sleep on not very hard and not very cozy bed so that your spine does get proper rest.
·        Avoid direct bending for picking anything from the ground instead bend your knees and then pick up the object to save our spine from undue pressure.
·        Sedentary life style should be avoided. If you possess a sitting job then always try to stretch you whole body at a gap to 45 to 60 minutes.
·        Don’t sit in one posture for long and avoid well cushioned seats.
·        people suffering from strained back should rest on plain and stiff mattress with folded knee at right angles
·        Infrared radiations followed by hot fomentation and then alternate sponging helps in giving instant relief from pains.
·        Massage the stained area with castor oil, which helps in giving good relief from the trouble of back pain and inflammation
·        Shed those extra kilos around your tummy so as to relief you’re back from bearing extra pressure.

 Certain yoga asana are very beneficial in relieving from back pains.
These are:

1.     Bhujang asana

2.     Shalabh asana

3.     Hala asana

4.     Uttarpad asana

5.     Shabva asana.

 Some mild stretching for your healthy back
A.    Lay down strait on the firm floor and slowly raise your both legs upwards, till the point you are comfortable and hold your breath for some time and then slowly and gradually come back to the initial position. One thing you should be very careful that if you feel pain while doing this, stop doing it immediately and relax.
B.     Lay on your back and your hands are positioned slightly away from your body. Put your feet together. Do some deep breathing and try to relax and concentrate on your lower back for a minute. Now carefully and slowly start turning your feet in right and simultaneously your head to left side. Hold in the position that does not cause pain, take few deep breathes and the slowly come back to the original position. Reverse the whole activity. Perform this exercise 10 times a side. Again you should be very careful that if you feel pain while doing this, stop doing it immediately and relax.

If you are suffering seriously, please let us to know as we are providing Online Consultation. You can also order Ayurvedic Diet Plan for your Dosha. visit us   at